I’ve spent so much money getting all types of clippers for our lab his nails are so thick and I either can’t get them around his nail or the handles will move and the spring pops off...I called Jeffers and asked for their advice...got them and they fit pe
G from Bel Air
Best, for sure
I've been using mine for over a decade on a "pack" of GSDs. Still effective and does not split nails.
A from Bell
Great nail clippers
I worked at a vet and we used these, I now use them for my dogs. My first pair lasted over 10 years-trimming 4 large dogs nails weekly. Best trimmers for dog toe nails.
giddyupngo from Rowlett
BEST Bar None!
These nail clippers are by far the best I have found on the market. From trimmimg 115 lb dog to 5 lb dog. Works great for all. I have two pair of my own & have ordered several for other folks.