Serving you since 1994
Serving you since 1994
"When bacterium lingers in the mouth, the microorganisms can filter throughout your pet's body via the bloodstream—affecting the brain, the heart, the liver, and the kidneys. "
Used daily, OraVet Dental Hygeine Chews work to clean, then protect.
Zymox Oratene Water Additive is flavorless and provides a safe, healthy way to conveniently clean your pets teeth without brushing.
We all understand the importance of good dental hygiene for humans: daily brushing and flossing—not to mention bi-annual trips to the dentist—keeps our mouths clean and devoid of infection. But have you considered how oral hygiene, or a lack thereof, affects your pet's health?
Believe it or not, properly cleaning teeth, gums, and the like can make a big difference in your furry friend's life—say, two to five years! That's right: a healthy mouth has the potential to add as much as a half-decade to their overall lifespan!
In this article, we are going to cover the basics of dental hygiene for pets.
As with humans, a pet's mouth is a haven for bacteria. (It's warm, it's moist, and it's frequently littered with residual food.) While some bacteria are natural and harmless on their own, others carry diseases with life-threatening potential. Once inside the mouth, these nasty pathogens will incubate, multiply, multiply even more, and spread infections.
More deadly still: poor dental hygiene has the potential to affect your pet's vital organs. When bacterium lingers in the mouth, the microorganisms can filter throughout your pet's body via the bloodstream—affecting the brain, the heart, the liver, and the kidneys. (Remember what we said earlier about hygiene making a difference of five years in your pet's life!) According to Dr. Jan Bellows, a Diplomat of the American Veterinary Dental College, "As the kidneys, liver, and brain filter blood, small infections occur, causing permanent and at times fatal organ damage."
Related Article: Four Steps for Dental Success
First off: no one knows more about what's best for your pet's dental hygiene than your veterinarian, and there is no better method to clean teeth than a professional dental cleaning. But did you know there are some at-home techniques and products you can try? Your vet might even recommend them to keep your pet's mouth in good shape.
Be sure to check out our selection of dental health products, and add a few healthy years to your pet's life!
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