"Good nutrition is important part of your pet's health."
- Water is the most essential nutrient. Pets can survive weeks without eating but soon die of dehydration.
- Dogs prefer meat-based diets but are capable of surviving on plant protein as long as nutritional supplements are added.
- Contrary to people, smells take precedence over visual appearance. Studies show that dogs prefer uncooked chicken innards to a perfectly grilled sirloin steak.
- Nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and water. All are necessary.
- Puppies and kittens require about twice the caloric content daily than that of their adult counterparts. Related Article: Good, Quality Canine Nutrition Makes a Difference
- Dogs eat less often than cats but they ingest larger quantities of food at each sitting.
- Lack of sufficient vitamins can cause disease in pets. On the other end of the spectrum over supplementing vitamins can also lead to disease.
- Fats, carbohydrates, and protein all provide energy. Basic functions such as growth, lactation, pregnancy, and exercise all require the energy that comes from a well-balanced diet.
- Older dogs need 20% fewer total calories than middle-aged dogs. Because so many people do not realize this many senior dogs are overweight or obese.
- There is no such thing as an average dog and dietary averages are only a starting point to base an individual diet. Dietary guidelines need to be tailored to meet each individual animal's needs.